Got An Old iPad lying Around? Turn it Into a Smart Mirror With This App
The Easiest way – Using The Magic Mirror Dashboard Generator
One of the best ways of using an old iPad for a smart mirrror is using the Magic Mirror Dashboard Generator. You simply fill in the details, get your unique URL and point your iPad’s browser to it. You can even download a full screen browser from the app store to use as much of the screen as possible.

The Magic Mirror Dashboard Generator
Using the Smart-iPad app
You can also use a native iPad app to power a smart mirror, but it’s a bit more complicated to set up.
The app is aptly named “Smart-iPad” and is available at this Github. The creator states that it’s perfect for people who maybe don’t have the full technical skill required to make a full-on smart mirror but maybe have an old iPad lying around.
As of now, the app can display the time, show weather information and UK train information. I expect the creator to add more functions in the future, but for now, that’s it. Unless of course, you are a programmer yourself and can add something to it. According to the Github project’s todo list, he intends on adding functionality to change the city for the weather as well as other improvements like a config file.
If you want to try it out you will have to download Xcode and build the app before loading it onto your iPad.
Buy an App on the App Store
There’s an app on the app store you can buy and turn your ipad into a smart mirror, if other options fail. You can check out the app here. It offers calendar, clock, weather, news and more customisation options.